rocking chair on a porch


Effective date:

Checking & Savings Rates

Prosper Account

Min Opening Deposit: $1,000
APY: 1.00%
Interest Rate: 1.00%
Min Balance to Earn APY: Any balance

Thrive Checking

Min Opening Deposit: $25
APY: 0.10%
Interest Rate: 0.10%
Min Balance to Earn APY: Any Balance

Money Market Deposit 

Min Opening Deposit: $1,000

APY: 0.50% | $19,999.99 & Under

Interest Rate: 0.50%

APY: 0.50% | $20,000 - $49,999.99

Interest Rate: 0.50%

APY: 0.65% | $50,000 - $249,999.99

Interest Rate: 0.65%

APY: 0.80% | $250,000 & Over
Interest Rate: 0.80%

Statement Savings

Min Opening Deposit: $100
APY: 0.25%
Interest Rate: 0.25%
Min Balance to Earn APY: Any Balance

Personal Savings, Business Savings, and Christmas Club Account

Health Savings 

Min Opening Deposit: None

APY: 0.35% | $2,499.99 & Under

Interest Rate: 0.35%

APY: 0.45% | $2,500 - $9,999.99

Interest Rate: 0.45%

APY: 0.50% | $10,000 - Over
Interest Rate: 0.50%

APY (Annual Percentage Yield) is effective as of the date stated above. APY is calculated using the daily balance method, based on minimum balance requirements. On checking and savings accounts, rates are subject to change without notice after account opening. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account. Accounts are insured by FDIC. Click here for FDIC coverage information.

CD & IRA Rates


3 Month CD or IRA

Min Opening Deposit: $500
APY: 4.50% 
Interest Rate: 4.43%
Interest paid at term or maturity of CD
Min Balance to Earn APY: $500

6 Month CD or IRA

Min Opening Deposit: $500
APY: 3.00%
Interest Rate: 2.97%
Interest paid quarterly
Min Balance to Earn APY: $500


7 Month CD or IRA

Min Opening Deposit: $500
APY: 4.25% 
Interest Rate: 4.18%
Interest paid quarterly
Min Balance to Earn APY: $500

11 Month CD or IRA

Min Opening Deposit: $500
APY: 4.00%
Interest Rate: 3.94%
Interest paid quarterly
Min Balance to Earn APY: $500

12 Month CD or IRA

Min Opening Deposit: $500
APY: 2.15% 
Interest Rate: 2.13%
Interest paid quarterly
Min Balance to Earn APY: $500

18 Month CD or IRA

Min Opening Deposit: $500
APY: 2.25%
Interest Rate: 2.23%
Interest paid quarterly
Min Balance to Earn APY: $500

24 Month CD or IRA

Min Opening Deposit: $500
APY: 2.50%
Interest Rate: 2.48%
Interest paid quarterly
Min Balance to Earn APY: $500

36 Month CD or IRA

Min Opening Deposit: $500
APY: 2.60%
Interest Rate: 2.58%
Interest paid quarterly
Min Balance to Earn APY: $500

48 Month CD or IRA

Min Opening Deposit: $500
APY: 2.75%
Interest Rate: 2.72%
Interest paid quarterly
Min Balance to Earn APY: $500

60 Month CD or IRA

Min Opening Deposit: $500
APY: 3.25%
Interest Rate: 3.21%
Interest paid quarterly
Min Balance to Earn APY: $500

APY (Annual Percentage Yield) is effective as of the date stated above. APY is calculated using the daily balance method, based on minimum balance requirements, assuming interest remains in the account until maturity. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Offer subject to change without notice and may be withdrawn at any time. Accounts are insured by FDIC. Click here for FDIC coverage information.

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