Prosper Account

Great Unique Benefits:

Plus Classic Benefits:
  • Access to more than 40,000 surcharge fee-free ATMs nationwide with MoneyPass®
  • Debit card that works with digital wallets like Apple Pay® and Google Pay™
  • Digital Banking with Bill Pay, Pay People, Alerts, Mobile Deposit, Financial Tools

The Fine Print:
  • $1,000 minimum opening deposit
  • Receive eStatements ($5 monthly fee for paper statements)
  • Maintain a minimum balance of $1,000 ($10 monthly fee if balance falls below $1,000)

APY (Annual Percentage Yield) is effective as of the date stated above. APY is calculated using the daily balance method, based on minimum balance requirements. On checking and savings accounts, rates are subject to change without notice after account opening. Fees may reduce the earnings on the account.