Our Pledge to You
- We will take the time to listen.
- We will have honest, clear communication.
- We will be friendly and helpful.
- We will treat you like a partner, not an account.
- We will focus on what will help you, not on what to sell you.
Meet Our Commercial Lending Team
Our commercial lending team can facilitate the funding you need to help your business grow and prosper. With the processes we have in place and our ownership and executive management located in the same walls, we can get you quick answers on your loan requests.

Jay Nowak
Executive Vice President
Commercial Lending
Email Jay
NMLS 562290

Tim Tobben
VP, Commercial Lender
Email Tim
NMLS 865174

Chris Eckelkamp
VP, Commercial Lender
Email Chris
NMLS 1155113

Sam Unnerstall
VP, Commercial Lender
Email Sam
NMLS 1575261

Robert Vossbrink
VP, Commercial Lender
Email Robert
NMLS 2463366

Brad Carpenter
Commercial Lender/
Credit Analyst
Email Brad
NMLS 2630340